
How to configure Gmail in outlook?

Many people do not know that they can access their Gmail within Outlook. I am here today to tell you how to do it because it will save you enormous amounts of time. It happened to anyone who doesn’t have the knowledge. Someone has asked me that they needed to take a second to check her personal email account. As they turned to her computer, I noticed that they opened up Google, the best of the top ten search engines, and visited the Gmail page. Because they don’t know the way by which they can get access to other account too. There are two ways to connect your Gmail and outlook account together, one is complicated and other is simple. First way is very complicated by using POP protocol. By POP protocol all your mails are downloaded to the outlook. Second is IMAP in this you have to make sure that IMAP is enabling in the same window with your Gmail account. You have to enable IMAP from the setting. Through Gmail Support Phone Number you can get help to connect your both account in on